Sign-up to help pop and distribute popcorn for the entire school! It’s a great way to get to know other families and make friends. Volunteers will need to plan on being there between 9 – 12 pm. Tasks include popping, bagging, distributing popcorn, and cleaning up afterwards. Thank you!
Author: Gina Smith (Gina Smith)
Scissortail Student Directory
Participating in the classrom directory is optional. Any information provided is at your discretion. The Scissortail PTO will then compile and distribute any information provided only to other Scissortail families in your student’s grade level. This is to enhance the Scissortail families communication with each other so our students can form bonds with friends outside of...
Snacks for Scissortail Students
Scissortail is in need of snacks for students who are unable to bring a snack every day to school. The amount requested would provide 1 case of snacks per class per week. Please indicate what snack you are bringing. We also accept Sam’s and Costco gift cards. Please indicate they are for snacks. Thanks!
Lunchroom PALs
Signup to be a lunchroom helper. This is the perfect time to help and get to know all the children in your student’s grade! Please add a comment to specify which date that you’d like to volunteer, and the time you’ll arrive. First lunch period starts at 11:15 am, and the last lunch period starts at 1:45 pm....
Workroom PALs
We would like to fill one volunteer slot per week to help complete workroom tasks. The date listed is the first day of each week. If you’d prefer a to come on a different day, please comment which date and time you’ll be in the workroom. Thank you!
Box Tops for Education
Start earning for Scissortail now! Use the Box Tops app to scan your store receipts for participating products. Scissortail Elementary will automatically earn cash with every Box Tops product you buy.